God is a giving God. He gives us life. He gives us His Son. He gives us salvation from sin and the promise of eternal life with Him. God asks us to be givers, too. When we give of our financial and other resources, we are responding to God's generosity of gifts to us. Beyond even that, giving is both a means by which God chooses to carry out ministry and a spiritual discipline for us to continually place our trust in Him and His provision. Below you can find a link to give online and a list of other ways to give. Whatever God puts on your heart to give, give out of joy and thanks "to God for His indescribable gift." (see 2 Corinthians 9:6-15)
Ways To Give
Give in Person
Hope collects an offering during our worship service on Sunday mornings. You may also drop a check off at the church office during office hours or drop your check into the locked "mailbox" mounted outside the rear (west side) door.
Mail a Check
You can mail a check to the church office at:
Hope Lutheran Brethren Church
PO Box 358
Barnesville, MN 56514
Give Online
Click on the Donate button below. It only takes a couple of minutes to set up. You will have the option to give a one time gift of to set up monthly giving. It's fast, secure and perfect for people who want to give back to God but are always on the go.
Other electronic options include setting up Hope as a recipient through your bank's "bill pay" service. It is also possible to set up an ACH transfer from your bank account. If you are interested in setting up an ACH transfer system, talk to the office administrator for details.